Reopening Plan


Frequently Asked Questions:

Do the students need to wear masks? 

PA DOH allows for face shields as an alternative to face covering, St. Joseph School will use this alternative coupled with the desk shields during instructional time. St. Joseph School will provide face shields. Masks will be expected for times when students must move throughout the building - bathroom trips, arrival, dismissal, exiting for recess. Students may wear a mask anytime throughout the day. Each student should have a face mask available for use during school hours which is provided from home. We ask that parents please coordinate masks as a part of the uniform, choosing plain blue, black, white, red, yellow or green options. 

How will SJY socially distance students?

 All students will remain within their designated teacher’s classroom for the entire day for instruction. Special teachers will instruct in the homeroom classrooms. Grades 4 – 6 will not rotate classes, but teachers will meet them in their homerooms. Signage throughout the building will direct students to remain distanced. Students will be spaced 3 – 6 feet apart in the classrooms, per WHO and CDC guidelines. 

What if I am not ready to send my child back to school? 

During the spring of 2020, SJY initiated SJY Connected Education. With updates and additional development, St. Joseph School will offer a synchronous online option to our regular educational experience. Students may choose to enroll in SJY Connected Education for the 2020-2021 school year. 

*Please see the SJY Reopening Report and the Leading with Hope guide for complete information.